It's a double thank you again. This time to Ford & Stanley Group who have booked our Fun Booth for a company event at the Belfry in July. Also to Dianne & Jason for booking our Rustic Heart Booth for their wedding reception in July. Thank you to them both for trusting us to bring fun and entertainment to their event.
#fellsfunbooth #fellsfotos #teamfellsfotos #covid19notstoppingmefrombeingproductive #heartbooth #weddingreception #photobooth #photobooths #photoboothwedding #photoboothhire #photoboothparty #photoboothideas #wedding #weddings #weddingday #weddingsplanning ##weddingguest #weddingvenues #weddingplanners #weddingreceptions #weddingreceptionvenues #weddingreceptionfun #weddingreceptionsetup #weddingreceptionideas #selfiewizard #selfiewizardfellsfotos #selfiephoto #selfie #selfies #selfietime